Day 201

When I am out of words, I am thankful for passages that help me uttering what's difficult to express.

Psalm 25 put into prayers this longing of mine:

God, look at me and help me!
I'm all alone and in big trouble.
My immune and myelin are fighting each other; call a truce to this civil war.
Keep watch over me and keep me out of trouble.
Don't let me down when I run to You.
Use all Your skill to put me together;
I wait to see Your finished product.

God, give Your people a break from this run of bad luck.
Show me how You work, God.
School me in Your ways.
Take me by the hand, lead me down the path of truth.
I've thrown in my lot with You.
You won't embarrass me, will You?

I trust in You, my God!
No one who trusts in You will ever be disgraced.
Show me the right path, O Lord.
Point out the road for me to follow.
Remember, O Lord, Your compassion and unfailing love,
which You have shown from long ages past.

Feel my pain, see my trouble.
My eyes are ever on the Lord,
for He rescues me from the traps of my enemies.

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