Day 200

The kind of believer I want to be. . .

((This writing is actually taken from my old journal in July 4, 2015, when I was reading Paul's letter to the Philippians))

I loved reading this particular Epistle because it reminded me of my bible study time at GSP 2012. We were studying Philippians throughout that summer and learned a lot from it. This time, I made observation and personal highlight from chapter 4:
  • Philippians are Paul's joy and proud crown;
  • When we're rejoicing and being full of joy in the Lord, everyone will see that God is near;
  • Prayer is powerful weapon against worry;
  • Tell God about everything, let petitions and praises shape our worries into prayers;
  • Peace from God is a sense of God's wholeness (everything coming together for good) come and settle us down. It exceeds anything we can understand. It guards our hearts and minds;
  • We'll do best by filling our minds and meditating on things that are true, honourable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy, things to praise not to curse;
  • God will work us into His most excellent harmonies;
  • Philippians are caring and concerned about Paul. They never quit praying and thinking about Paul;
  • Paul's learned to be content with whatever he had (a person's character is tested under two conditions: when he/she is in shortage and when he/she is in abundance);
  • Whatever Paul had, wherever he was, he could make it through anything in the One who makes him who he was;
  • It was a beautiful thing that the church came alongside Paul in his troubles;
  • Philippians were the only church who gave Paul financial help when he first brought them the Good News. No other church did this. Not one church helped out in the give-and-take of this work except the Philippians. And they did it not just once, but twice;
  • Paul wanted them to experience the blessing that issues from generosity (a reward for their kindness);
  • Paul was generously supplied with the gifts they sent through Epaphroditus;
  • God will take care of everything they need, His generosity exceeds even theirs in the glory that pours from Jesus;
  • Other believers wanted to be remembered by the Philippians.

From these observations, I've learned the kind of believers this church was and it was pleasing to God and also Paul. These people were mostly remembered for their generosity. I would like to be that kind of Christ's follower.

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