Behind the blog

In 2015, I went through a very long leave from my regular job as a scriptwriter in a private television company in Indonesia. How long? Exactly 255 days. So, I named this blog 255 Days of Contemplation.

What for? Why so long? Well, following the advice of my neurologist, I took a time off far from my routine and the familiar comfort to search for the most suitable health care. I believe everyone needs this at some point in his or her life, for whatever reason. For me, personally, I need to restore a few crucial aspects in my life—mainly my health, which hasn't been in its best condition in the last couple of years. --> read my story here. After my long leave ended, I returned home and decided to quit my job to be a stay-at-home designerd, while still trying to improve my fitness.

I do have quite a lot of places to store memories and babbles on the Internet that I could no longer recall each one of them (including my usernames and passwords). Why bother making another blog, then? I don't know. This blog is personal with no intention of money-making or popularity-building. Writing is therapeutic. It is more for me, than for the audience (do I even have any? lol). I apologise in advance if anything in my writing does not make any sense to you. Thank you for visiting. I hope your day is sweeter than yesterday!


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