Day 187

How often do you find yourself in a state or a place where you suddenly realise nothing really matters? Not in a cynical way, of course. It is a moment of realisation that you've found what matters the most and you wouldn't trade it for anything else in this world.

This leads to another question to ponder: what matters the most?

Tonight I found myself in that state, when All Sons & Daughters sang this song during their live performance at a church in Shoreline/Aurora:

Our deliverer, You are Saviour
In Your presence we find our strength
Over everything, our redemption
God with us You are God with us

In that moment—despite my questioning and despite my lack of faith to be strong in my war against a despicable illness—the presence of God found me and His strength got hold of my weak and weary heart.

I knew God was there, speaking to me using that particular line of the song, "where have you been looking for strength, Winda?" That struck me and I became wordless. Funny, because lately I had waited to 'confront' Him with my unresolved case. Then He gently asked me, "what is your definition of strength?" My mind quickly shuffled a few possible answers: being able to use my legs normally again, or the ability to walk and run without being tired, or having the perfect control of balance and coordination, or not having to deal with fatigue, or. . .

I didn't answer those questions, because all of a sudden, those things didn't feel like they mattered to me anymore. I mean, without a doubt, God could easily and freely give me those kinds of strength right away. But then I would miss out a greater awareness: His definition of strength. Real strength is found in His presence. It's all I needed and I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

I don't know about you, but to me, nothing compares to being in the presence of the One who loves me the most. Glad to have the opportunity to worship the Lord with All Sons & Daughters this evening, and to be reminded once again of His goodness. I want to stay in God's presence and find His strength over and over again.

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