Day 181

Last night (or actually, this early morning) I watched a classic film, "It's A Wonderful Life" (1946). I didn't have any expectation before watching it. I became interested when Rej Bourdages of Pixar last week showed one of his favourite scenes from this movie. I thought I should give a black-and-white movie a chance. After all, there's always something charming about old films.

Firstly, I fell in love with the casts. They played their characters so well and convincing—which was surprising since I thought actors or actresses in the olden days did corny acting. Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed were perfect as George and Mary. Secondly, I loved the story. I thought it was well-written and well-delivered. There were a few of nice surprising scenes that made me went, "ahhh" and smiled. One particular part of the story that I could relate so well was this:

George Bailey was facing a huge business problem so he started to feel lost and devastated. Maybe he exaggerated his situation but I honestly could feel his predicament. More than once the thought of "it would have been better if I'd never been born at all" came to mind.

Just as Jeremiah once wailed,  "Cursed be the day I was born! May the day my mother bore me not be blessed! Why did I ever come out of the womb to see trouble and sorrow and to end my days in shame?"

In the movie, George's wish was granted by God/an angel who appeared in front of him. He got to see what happened to the world had he not existed. It wasn't like what he would imagine, needless to say. Hence, he'd learned his lesson.

I just added this movie into my all-time favourite films. I watched the original version, which is still in black and white but I found out that there's also colourised version of the movie. If you enjoy feel-good and heartwarming story, I strongly and highly recommend this movie!

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