Day 70

70 days have passed, which means I still have 185 more days to contemplate whenever wherever I want. That doesn't sound very long :( Can I be a full-time paid contemplator? LOL. I love this number for it represents my surname: Napitupulu / Na70. And interestingly, here in Seattle we live on NE 70th street. Close enough... :)

When I am not so immersed in my contemplation or other introspective things, I love spending time with people (either face to face or screen to screen). I remember back in 2012 and 2013, I spent most of my late nights/early mornings organising Skype group calls with my GSP friends who live in 12 different countries. I think I like keeping in touch with friends better than making new ones (still much to learn from my father!).

As time goes by, I realise my overseas friends and hometown friends all play different roles in my life and it was no coincidence that we met or started to befriend each other at the right timeline. It is true that people come and go (so do I), but those who choose to stay despite the changes are priceless gems. One of the most heartbreaking things in friendship is having to let go some of the best companions that once had your best interests at heart, simply because you believe it was the right thing to do. May those hard chapters provide way into maturity, humility, and teachability.

This post is dedicated to all my best female and male friends. Words may fail to express what's in my heart about you, but whenever you cross my mind, I thank my God for you and the gift of knowing you, the privilege of growing and walking with you, and praying for you.

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