Day 171

"People take pleasure in anything they say; but a word at the right time, how good it is!" (Proverbs 15:23)

That is probably why I am thankful to be surrounded by a lot of ENFP friends. . .

Although they can sometimes be hilariously 'cliched', I don't know why they always seem to know how to make my day. When I listed my friends' MBTI, most of them admit or are suspected as ENFP. Is it because INFJ's and ENFP's magnetise each other? Hmm. Still a mystery. Maybe this article is accurate, after all.

Anyways, the reason why I'm writing about ENFP is because today I did a sketch of my favourite actress, Carey Mulligan, and two of my ENFP pals added comments that made me smile! ((Thanks for making my day, bros!!))

#ExcusezMoi #BeRightBack

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On an even less important note, I checked my MBTI "Cheat Sheet" and found out the top 5 types in my circle of friends (out of 100 people I put in):
• 16 are ENFP
• 11 are ISTJ
• 9 are ESFJ
• 8 are INFP
• 7 are ISFJ

Types I seldom encounter:

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