Day 191

My time in the US is limited. Whenever that knowledge comes to mind, my heart will go south. I can't help but think, what should I do while I'm still here? What not to miss? What are the things I can still attempt to do?

Just like any typical planner/judger, I made a to-do list and wrote down every single thing that came to my mind. . .
• I want to bake or cook more paleo meals;
• I want to buy paint set, art stuff, organic ingredients;
• I want to walk around Green Lake;
• I want to watch as many movies and shows as I can on Netflix;
• I want to discover more music on Spotify;
• I want to print my artworks;
• I want to develop new ideas for 2016 art projects that are for sale;
• I want to buy Christmas gifts for friends back home;
• I want to design book cover for my father's upcoming book;
• I want to write and carefully craft my personal statement for future purposes;
the list goes on...
I took a quick read and thought to myself, well, isn't it a list of noble things to do?

When I was just about to finish writing, I sensed the Lord's voice speaking through the Scriptures:
"My dear, Winda, you are worried and upset over all these details!"

I immediately stopped my 'planning'.

"There is only one thing worth being concerned about," God said.
"Which is sitting at My feet, listening to what I teach and hanging on every word I say.
When you have discovered it, it will not be taken away from you."

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