Day 168

OK. I admit I've missed a few days of blog-posting. I was out of town with my family for a short vacation. This post is supposed to be written on Sunday.  Let's see, did I contemplate anything?

Maybe I did but I forgot.

I am just going to share something from a bookmark we got on Sunday two weeks ago when we attended Hymn Sing gathering at our friends' church in Everett:

Fully Rely On God

The things that happen in our lives give us four choices:

The things that have happened become a setback or a stepping stone.
The choice is ours. Today I choose a stepping stone.

The things that have happened become an anxiety or adventure.
The choice is ours. Today I choose adventure.

The things that have happened become a confinement or a challenge.
The choice is ours. Today I choose challenge.

The things that have happened become a dungeon or a doorway.
The choice is ours. Today I choose a doorway.

— Robert Iverson

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