Day 121

'Why keep praying when there's no answer?'

It was the title of my devotional reading today. What a timely subject to reflect on. Why keep asking for healing when significant improvement isn't showing? Why keep promoting peace when conflict still rises? Why keep waiting when there's no excitement to look forward to?

Rick Warren mentioned four reasons to keep praying despite the ever-present discouragement:
1. Persistent prayer focuses our attention
God doesn't need to be reminded of our requests. We are the ones who need to be reminded who the Source of our answer and all our need is. God wants us to think about the Blesser, instead of the blessing;

2. Persistent prayer clarifies our request
A delayed answer gives us time to clarify exactly what we want and to refine our prayers, hence we can be certain of what we really want;

3. Persistent prayer tests our faith
To grow to spiritual maturity, we have to test our faith. One of the ways God's going to test our faith is by delaying some answers to our prayers. Will we still believe He is able and willing to answer?

4. Persistent prayer prepares our heart for the answer
Sometimes we are thinking and asking too small. God delays answering prayers to help us grow and get ready to receive what He's going to give—which, more often than not, are infinitely more than we might ask or think!

This reminded me of what my father often shares with us: your requests reflect your relationship with God. Who do I view God as: my Master? My Bestfriend? My Father? My King? My Saviour? None of these 'titles' is wrong, but it will make a difference in our prayer life.

After putting some thoughts into what I deeply desire, I decided to summarise my thousands of request into these three points:

Et vous?

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