Day 104

A few posts earlier, I wrote about people I admire who are secretly incredible. Today I had a sudden urge to write about one of them.

My father is a secretly incredible man.

Among other admirable traits he has demonstrated in his life, one that truly stands out in his children's eyes is his fatherhood. My father does kneel down and whispers to our lives, "where do you wanna go?". Now I am not talking about him granting every trivial request we may have asked once or twice. In my honest opinion, fathers who indulge their children with material things, perhaps hide their ignorance behind luxury and avoid their true responsibility of training their children in the way they should go. Then again, who am I to judge different values? #StoriesOverOpinions

Carry on...
My father is a man of faith and has been representing our Heavenly Father wholeheartedly. My younger brother has frequently said, "I think Papa is like Jesus"― my father's response was nothing but laughter.

I mean...What kind of father would do these for his children:
Pa, can I record my own songs and music in a studio and make my own concert?
"Of course, my son."
((And my brother did it twice—both his albums and concerts; and now he's making the third one))

Pa, may I not graduate from high school and go straight to college overseas?
"Sure, my daughters, why not?"
((Me and my sister left high school before year 12 and year 11, went to college in two different continents))

Pa, there is this guy who has expressed his interest. I know he is not the right person for me and you obviously will disapprove. But he has been very kind and is coming to spend time together with us. Will you be nice to him?
"I hear ya."
((My father was wise and respectful toward any of the guys; not one harsh word came out of his mouth and no cold-shoulder shrug when he met our male friends. To his relief, neither me or my sister ended up with them. Ha))

Pa, we're hosting this youth event and we're lack of resources. Can we use our house, our car, our yard, also your help with a few logistics, and ask you to also be one of the speakers? Oh, we are also short in cash. Tee-hee.
"Not a problem!"

Pa, can we invite people over and have some BBQ afterwork? It's gonna be at around midnight...
"Go ahead!"

Pa, can we go watch movie and have dinner at (insert a restaurant which food is not his favourite)?
"Let's go!"

Pa, can I compile all my artworks, make them into a calendar, and send them to all my friends?
"Absolutely! Let's make 500 pieces and I'll send them to those 18 countries."

The stories go on...

According to my father, all our crazy-sounding requests are small compared to what God is able and willing to give. Having my father as my father helps me to see more clearly and believe that our Lord, the Creator of Heaven and earth takes our deepest desires seriously. God is a loving Father who wouldn't give us something tricky when we ask for something good. He longs to lavish us with goodness in order to reveal His unfathomable glory and boundless grace. Everything in this life belongs to Him and are created to point us back to Himself. He delights in fulfilling His promises. All we have to do is ask and be ready to receive.

Something that would always bring me and my siblings into tears of gratefulness is this:

Besides his natural tendency to act generously, what I have also noted from my father's character is his genuine interest about things and people. He is a great communicator with excellent memory of even the smallest thing! His relationships with people are not 'transactional'. It would never occur in his mind, "what benefit will I get from this person?". He always puts other people's needs first before his. No wonder he has thousands of friends.

I couldn't choose my father when I was born, neither could he choose his own child. Praise be to God whose ways are higher and whose thoughts are nothing like mine. He causes everything to work together for our good and His pleasure; that includes uniting my parents 25 years ago. I pray that my future children (let's hope they will exist one day, okay?) will feel the same (or even much prouder and much grateful) about *ahem* their father (TBA) as well.

If anyone who's reading this post does not feel the same about their father, I respect your story and I apologise if reading this has caused you any discomfort. In no way I intend to make you feel ungrateful about your own old man. My father has flaws too and they may be different to other fathers. I wrote this because I am sincerely proud of him and currently missing his presence (he's coming here next month, Lord willing!!). I hope one day you will feel the same about yours, regardless his imperfections.

If somehow you have lost your father (either physically, spiritually, or emotionally), I grieve with you. It's not an easy loss and I couldn't imagine the pain you must've endured to live without this figure. I respect your strength and wish that you still get to feel Heavenly Father's love for you as real as possible from other people God has sent into your life. God's love for you does not change with or without a father figure.

If you also think highly of your father and in any way this post awakens a strong desire within you to send him a form of appreciation, go and tell him how much he means to you. Don't delay. Do it now!

Before I end this 'fatherly' post, please note that I love my mother all the same! In the near future, I will dedicate another special post about her being the perfect soulmate of my father and a gentle nurturer for her children.

P.S.: this might be a spoiler, but my mother is also a secretly incredible woman J
P.P.S.: no one can tell me how long I can write about my parents. He-he!

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