Day 78

Before you continue reading, can I ask for a favour?


This is probably going to be the most immature post I've ever posted so far in this blog. First of all, let me tell you why I am about to post this.

Do you remember those years we spent as awkward teenagers on MySpace and Friendster? Have you ever dragged into the "filling this survey questions and posting it to your bulletin board" trend? Actually, we used to have this kind of random/fun thing on Facebook too. Remember when your friends tagged you on their notes to answer random questions about your favourite things, artist/band you were listening to, or 25 facts about you? Those were the golden era, weren't they? Ha-ha. OK so I was bored (obviously) and then I ran through some of my old notes on Facebook and got to laugh at my friends' notes (mine too). Hilariously entertaining, those notes. And so I became "tempted" to re-live the moment and picked the most popular one to fill.

So, here's what I did today. Most of the surveys ask questions about myself. I chose this one because I'd rather talk about my friends. LOL. This is just for fun. Feel free to skip this post and come back for more "serious" posts. J

Initially, it said to look for the last 12 people that texted you (but this is 2015, d'oh), so this is a revised one.

Go to your most used chat app on your phone and list the last twelve people who you interact with (don't cheat! Write their names in the exact time order). If it’s a group chat, skip to the next person. 
My most used chat app: WhatsApp 
  1. Lala Napitupulu
  2. Yani Siregar
  3. Raymond Marbun
  4. Zethu Ngema
  5. Efrain Gaspar
  6. Hanny Napitupulu
  7. Claudia Tang
  8. Agus Tampubolon
  9. Natalia Indriani
  10. Andrew Grindheim
  11. Alda Bangun
  12. Annelis Christie 

Q: Have you ever kissed 5?
A: Wow. Thank you for the most awkward first question! No, I have not.

Q: What was your first impression of number 3?
A: He’s my tall skinny 'pariban'. Haha. He’s one of my oldest cousins.

Q: What's the best memory you have of 6?
A: Ahh too many! Here's one that my sister reminded me just now. Back in 2012, after spending two months at summer training program in Colorado, I accompanied my sister to move from Port Angeles, Washington, to Ithaca, New York. We were staying at The Perry's home for about a week before my sister got into her dorm. Jon and Mary Perry then went out of town so we had their whole house to ourselves. My sister and I spent a lot of time talking, reading the Bible, doing quiet time, watching movies, cooking, shopping, touring around Cornell, and dog-sitting the Perry's two adorable dogs: Bismarck and Mila! I was very proud of my sister getting to an Ivy League school. Oh, we also got accompanied by Adi Perry, who "gladly" became our driver and acted like our big bro. Ha-ha. How I miss that summer :)

Q: When's the next time you're gonna see 7?
A: Good question. She just told me she’s going to Indonesia this October. Too bad I won’t be home by then. So, the answer is I don’t know yet.

Q: Is number 4 cool?

Q: How did you meet 8?
A: Through the Navs about two or three years ago.

Q: Is 9 your best friend?
A: She could be! She's one of my closest friends from work.

Q: When's the next time you'll see 2?
A: Ha! Funny I recently asked her that question. Maybe when she’s coming to the US again… :)

Q: Are you really close to 12?
A: I believe I am because she is to me :D

Q: Have you ever gotten in trouble with 10?
A: I haven’t thankfully ;p

Q: Do you think 1 has a crush on you?
A: Definitely not.

Q: What is the last thing you did with 11?
A: Pembubaran kepanitiaan Connected 2015. The very last thing we did together was eating pizza at my place… (sniff) MISS YOU, KAK ALDA (sniff)

Q: Have you ever been in 12's house?
A: Actually I haven’t! What kind of best friend I am!? LOL. I’ve been to her front porch, though...

Q: Have you ever hugged 3?
A: Yes, cousinly hug.

Q: Have you seen 2 running around like a maniac?
A: Haha. Nope. But I could totally picture that. He-he.

Q: Would you ever kiss number 1?
A: Since she’s my cousin, I’d kiss her cheek? Haha.

Q: Have you ever slept in the same room as 11?
A: Yup.

Q: Would you give number 10 a hug?
A: Side hug, probably. LOL.

Q: Have you ever been to the movies with 8?
A: Not yet.

Q: When's the last time you saw 9?
A: A few days before my departure. She came to my house with my two other co-workers, Mbuy and Guntur.

Q: Do you even know 5?
A: Of course. He’s my Mexican hermano from GSP.

Q: Would you kiss number 7?
A: Hahaha facepalm.

Q: Is number 6 your family?
A: HOW DO YOU KNOW?!? (fake panicking) Yes, she is.

Q: Would you ever date number 4?
A: As her best friend, I've been waiting for the day we'll have a good catch up "date" over coffee/tea!!!! But if I were a guy, I would definitely date her for real! :)

OK. That was fun! Don't worry I'm not tagging anyone here. J
((looking for some more surveys to kill the time))

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