Day 64

One of my guilty pleasures, or rather, my unhealthy habit is making up worst-case scenarios. Though I may not express them verbally (because I don't want to be that jerk who kills vibrant atmosphere), they are constantly formed in my head. And most of the time, I don't know how to shut it.

A close friend of mine once brought to mind how my proneness of thinking long term before making any decision often wore him (and other friends) out. I reacted by thinking, well that is part of my "making up worst-case scenarios" habit. I want to be ready. I shun lack of preparation. Most of all, I shun disappointment.
Because, what if things that went wrong could have gone the other way around? What if the gibberish I spoke could've been something more constructive if only I knew what to say beforehand? What if these meds I am taking actually deteriorate my body instead of making me better? What if something small I carelessly do today affects the future?

There, I just did it again...

All these harmful what if's. Such negativity wouldn't grow so strong in me, had I truly believed that every detail in my life of love for God is worked into something good.

Faith comes when we focus our attention on God and His Word. Unbelief arises when we focus our attention on what humans say. It is not about having bigger faith, it is about having less to zero unbelief.

"There are no 'ifs' among believers," Jesus said on Mark 9:14-29.

Lord, help me overcome my unbelief.
Your scenario is perfect,
even when I fail to do my part well.

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