I once read a tweet by Rick Warren: "Never confuse activity with productivity". My desire to be productive sometimes encounters such confusion. I especially felt it these past few months. Without a doubt, it has nearly worn me out. A number of activities and works kept me from doing my favourite therapy (#doodling) and I felt drained. When fatigue kicked in, it became wearisome to act positively and be the best version. Hence, I said hurtful things, reacted badly and had an unclear mind in different situations.
Busyness doesn't prove significance.
Activity isn't productivity.
A busy life can be a barren life.
Be still and listen to God.
- Rick Warren
When I choose to pause and listen to what the Lord has to say, I become aware that it is impossible to do everything that people ask me to do, because I am only given limited capacity to do what God wants me to do. Thankfully, He always graces me with the desire and energy to do what pleases Him. My job is to be wise and selective in choosing activities that help me fulfil God's purpose for my life. I have to keep in mind that not all good activity is purposeful. And as I rested, I was also reminded that one of the ways to restore my energy is by reflecting on the goodness in my life. Amidst these restless weeks, there's always an opportunity to count the blessings. I made a list of the things that I often take for granted and I should be thankful for instead.
In no particular order, I thank God for:
In no particular order, I thank God for:
- my convenient cool-temperatured bedroom with workspace and bathroom in a safe and cosy home;
- an adorable Siberian Husky whose presence calms me and makes me feel less lonely;
- caring, available and supportive big families from both sides;
- solid friendships that are only one call/WhatsApp away;
- siblings that are accepting, understanding, generous and aren't envious of each other;
- productive and healthy parents who pray and serve together;
- a humble, considerate and patient boyfriend who lives by grace and not by overthinking
Who would've thought that serenity could be gained by making time to practice gratitude? I shall do it more often!

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