Jovial January

Blog-sphere, here I come (back)!
Just because I almost never write my musing here anymore, it doesn't mean I have quit being a contemplatrice.

First of all, the reason why I didn't post much last year is because it's been delightful having my sister back in Jakarta and a sweet interlocutor like my boyfriend in my life. They are the most patient and most easy-going people to converse with. (Did I tell you ESFJ is one of my favourite types?) However, as much as I loved pouring my heart out to these gems, I often worried that I overloaded them with my rambling story, so I limited my 'pensive session'.

And I felt lonely.

Due to my guilty pleasure of sleeping during daytime and working during nighttime, it's nearly impossible to not get lost in my introspection. Sometimes it gets so heavy and I can't contain it in my head alone. When that happens, my tendency is to seek care or desired attention from available people. My needs for life-analysing and deep conversation can be immense and when I can't have them with my closest people, I will look for someone else to share it. I realised this could be unhealthy, especially when done with wrong people. Hence, I decided to put them back in writing, just like I used to.

Secondly, now that it's no longer a part of my 255 days of contemplation, I reckon I should find a new name for my blog. The new temporary name of my blog is now Stories & Blah's—simply because I want a good balance between seriousness and joviality in my contemplation.

I know some (extraverted) people would think that a reflective mood is somewhat depressing. Some would associate it with melancholia. Well, I won't deny that but I also don't fully agree. A healthy contemplation can reduce anxiety and produce rich self-expression. Moreover, wisdom is often found in being still and quiet. I bet the book of ProverbsEcclesiastes and Job were conceived out of numerous contemplation.

So, here's to some healthy blah's! LOL

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