Day 82

It's cool to see many people run in Seattle, especially around our neighbourhood. Running seems to be the happening thing among young people in the past two or three years. Events such as the Colour run, the Light run, Zombie run, Star Wars half marathon, from the cool sounding ones to the absurd ones are hosted annually (or weekly!) worldwide. I personally haven't participated in any running event. Yes, even way before I got stuck with balance problem, running had never been my cup of tea. It's too bad, though, because I am sure it is a wonderful opportunity to stay fit and to meet people (I could be a so-called extravert, once in a while).

My fellow Navs friends back home lately also became so eager in achieving certain running distance. What I love about their enthusiastic running plan is that they decided to do it together (not in the same place, though). It's such an awesome example of spurring one another on toward love and good deeds. Proud of them.

This whole running trend made me think of how many times Paul exhorts the church to keep running the race. Honestly speaking, such illustration never worked for me. Maybe for some, it is easy to picture themselves as runners or athletes. Me? Pfuit... I am not that into sport and I am not athletic (kind of obvious, I know). And now, with my dropping legs, I'd rather not picture myself as a runner. I actually kind of hate to be reminded that I don't have the ability to do physical activities anymore. If only I could suggest to Paul to also use music or art as an illustration in his letters. :) Still and all, I can't skip every verse in the Bible that talks about running just because I think it doesn't apply to me. Sometimes I feel like God doesn't want me to merely focus on the activity of running, when I read those verses. Sometimes God gently reminds me that I can't run without Him.
He wants me to shift my focus from:
"are you kidding me? There is no way I could run in a race!" to
"God enables me to run even though I don't have what it takes to do it".
So today, while playing this song over and over all day, I made simple illustrations to remind me (and you) that running isn't always about the bustle. For those who are weak like me, running is about relying on the One who provides the strength and energy. Running is about letting His power be seen and made perfect in us. Let us continue to run with perseverance—not by our might or by our power—but by the Spirit of God.

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